SOTERIA is a consortium of 13 partners from 8 countries, composed of three SMEs, one big company, universities and non-for-profit organisations. The complementary expertise of each partner will allow us to take up the ambitious challenge of SOTERIA.

IDnow is a leading identity proofing platform provider in Europe with a vision to make the connected world a safer place. The IDnow platform provides a broad portfolio of identity verification solutions, ranging from automated to human-assisted from purely online to point-of-sale, each of them optimized for user conversion rates and security. In 2021, IDnow acquired the French market leader for identity technology, ARIADNEXT, and the German identity Trust Management AG, enabling IDnow to offer its customers one of the broadest identification solutions through a single, integrated platform. At IDnow, we believe innovation is finding solutions to problems that don’t yet exist but are sure to impact our future. Since its creation, IDnow has invested in research and artificial intelligence technologies, by recruiting a team of high-level researchers and R&D engineers and participating in collaborative research projects.
Audencia is among the 1% of business schools holding all 3 top international academic accreditations – EQUIS, AACSB and AMBA. Audencia’s team is composed of 120 faculty members, 30 PhD students, 10 international affiliated researchers. Audencia has built a high expertise in research and innovative methodologies development, especially in the areas of behavioural sciences, user-centricity, human-computer interaction, technology adoption, digital innovation and privacy. Our research team is expert in the study of human- computer interaction and user-centricity, especially in relation to privacy and security issues. It is composed of scholars with years of professional experience in developing and implementing studies that aims at evaluating, measuring and explaining citizens/users’ attitudes toward and use of technology, in multiple countries and in collaboration with multidisciplinary teams.
Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (KU Leuven) was founded in 1425 and is an autonomous university. The Computer Security and Industrial Cryptography (imec-COSIC) team, participating in SOTERIA, includes 7 professors, 7 research managers/experts, 6 support staff and over 70 researchers. The research work and expertise of imec-COSIC covers a broad span that varies from mathematical foundations and cryptology over development of security algorithms, protocols, network and computer systems towards efficient and secure implementations in hardware and software. One of the main objectives of imec-COSIC is to bridge the gap between fundamental research in cryptology and the future security and privacy needs of citizens, industry and government.
Founded in 1984, Erdyn is an SME specialised in research and innovation consultancy. A French leader in this sector, Erdyn aims to sustain growth and competitiveness through innovation and thus contributes to the ambitions of Europe 2020 strategy. Erdyn offers high added value services, including innovation strategies, IP strategies, market surveys, technology forecasting, road mapping, state of the art analysis, outsourcing of R&D, innovation diagnosis and organization, establishment and management of European and national collaborative projects, development and assessment of public policies on research and innovation, etc.
Founded in 1995 as a Consortium formed by the Generalitat de Catalunya and the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB), the Computer Vision Center is a non-profit institution located in the UAB’s Bellaterra Campus in Barcelona, Spain. With an outstanding team of more than 130 researchers and technicians, 2000 m2 devoted to R&D and the most advanced resources in hardware and software, the CVC now holds an international reputation for innovative research, technology transfer, and the development of spin-offs in the field of Computer Vision. The Document Analysis and Intelligent Reading Systems (IRS) group is an international leader in scene text understanding, document image analysis, graphics recognition, handwritten recognition, musical scores understanding, and human-document interaction.
The Idiap Research Institute is an independent, not-for-profit, research institute located in Martigny (Switzerland), and affiliated with the Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), and the University of Geneva. With a research staff of more than 80 scientists, the primary missions of IDIAP are research, education, and technology transfer in the areas machine learning, speech and audio processing, computer vision, information retrieval, biometrics, multi-modal interaction, and multiple multi-modal research activities across these disciplines. The Biometrics Security and Privacy group at IDIAP has expertise in a large range of biometric challenges and more particularly in face recognition and presentation attack detection (PAD aka anti-spoofing). Currently, the Biometrics Security and Privacy group at IDIAP is one of the leading research team on PAD Worldwide.
InfoCons is a non-governmental organization (NGO), a Consumers Protection Association without a lucrative purpose, with distinct and indivisible patrimony, based on democratic principles that protects consumers’ rights. InfoCons was established in 2003 to meet the needs of consumers in Romania. Since then it carries on an uninterrupted activity and it gained national and international recognition, becoming member of different organizations’, consultative commissions of state’s authorities, working groups and partner in national and international programs. In order to achieve its goal and mission, InfoCons Association has developed cooperation and partnership relations with similar organizations from international level.
Scytl Election Technologies S.L. (SCYTL) is the worldwide leader in electronic voting and electoral modernisation solutions. As a software company, SCYTL specialises in secure electoral modernization, electronic voting solutions and e-participation / e-democracy tools. All SCYTL’s solutions incorporate unique cryptographic protocols that enable to carry out all types of binding electronic consultation processes and citizen participation projects in a completely secure and auditable manner. SCYTL is composed of about 600 professionals from more than 15 different nationalities, 95% of which have a bachelor’s degree or higher. SCYTL’s headquarters are located in Barcelona (Spain), with offices in the US, Canada, UK, Australia, India, Greece, Brazil, Peru, Hong Kong, Australia and France.
Stelar Security Technology Law Research UG (haftungsbeschränkt) is an organisation established in Hamburg (Germany) that aims to promote education and research through the implementation of research projects and scientific courses and the award of research contracts. In particular, the organisation is specialised in the “privacy by design” approach to new security technologies and other ICT. STELAR was founded as a spin-off of an integrated project funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Science within its Framework Programme Research for Civil Security.
STELAR has extensive expertise in research on legislation, GDPR, data protection, privacy and fundamental rights management in European innovation projects and research projects on ICT and digital transformation.
Established in 1967, Inria is the only French public research body fully dedicated to computational sciences. It is a national operator in research in digital sciences and is a primary contact point for the French Government on digital matters. Inria’s missions are to produce outstanding research in the computing and mathematical fields of digital sciences and to ensure the impact of this research on the economy and society in particular. Inria covers the entire spectrum of research at the heart of these activity fields and works on digitally-related issues raised by other sciences and by actors in the economy and society at large. The WIDE team, participating in SOTERIA, has significant expertise in decentralized systems, privacy, and decentralized data analytics.
NORIA-ONLUS is a private, chartered, non-profit organization (NPO), founded on 4 Nov 2015. NORIA-ONLUS is devoted to culture and identities vis-à-vis modern digital technology. The NPO promotes and supports the idea that culture, cultural identities, and cultural heritage should be considered and protected as a critical infrastructure. Threatening the cultural infrastructure means threatening the very existence of a community. NORIA-ONLUS aims to raise awareness among scholars, citizens, and policy makers that in the digital, global, society, culture has become a critical infrastructure the disruption or destruction of which would have a significant impact on people life and well-being. Exploring ethical and cultural issues in identities and identification practices are the core mission of NORIA-ONLUS.
IPCENTER is one of the leading private training and education providers in Austria. It is part of the eduPRO group with affiliated companies in Austria, Germany and Hungary, all of them offering innovative, high-level educational and training services. Company and staff can refer to more than 20 years of experience in the field of vocational training, business training and management coaching. The core competence of the company is analysing the needs of trainings and further education and developing tailor-made trainings. The methods used are adapted to the customers’ requirements and range from on-the-spot trainings to innovative tech-based learning methods (e-learning, gamification, virtual reality).
Biocruces Bizkaia HRI (BBHRI – is a Health Research Institute of Bizkaia Region. BBHRI was established in 2008 and it aims to promote, unite and support the research groups to develop a quality translational research and enhance the effective innovation and collaboration with other organizations; all this in order to provide new tools, practices, and knowledge to contribute to the improvement of health care, population health, wealth creation, and economic development. There are close to 900 professionals with complementary basic and clinical profiles divided into 60 research groups approximately.